Saturday, July 17, 2010

Foodie in Nowhere

It sums it up doesn't it? Here I am in the middle of no where, corn fields surrounding me dreaming of the next great meal I will have. At least I am not trying to find psychotic children in the corn. Thanks Mr. King for causing the unjustified fear of a rather peaceful grain. Unfortunately, tonight will not be the night for great meals and hopefully there will be no psychotic children either.
Tonight is marginalia. While this morning was filled with discussion of exactly what would you stuff a giant squid with and exactly how big a pot will you need to cook it in, tonight is filled with just good enough. It's all about what is already here and edible.
What is here and edible: Porterhouse steaks from locally raised beef-found these lurking in the freezer, I am questioning these steaks end flavor due to the uncertainty of freezer time but this is a just good enough meal so what the heck!
Cole slaw made from a ginormous cabbage from my garden. The slaw may be the only shining part of the dinner. I've decided to attempt a home made dressing for said slaw. I found a recipe here:,1915,159189-242204,00.html
I have a pasta salad I made this afternoon with veggies from the garden. I made the dressing myself after too many failed attempts to find a recipe on line for a simple dressing to go over the pasta and veg. Whomever posted some of those recipes, really-opening a bottle of dressing and pouring it over the whole mess is not a recipe.
We probably will enjoy a fresh watermelon from the ye olde Park and Shop. No doubt we will also enjoy some pickles that Monica and I canned from our cuke spouting garden.
Mom just walked in with Indiana Sweet Corn, so hello dental floss and the ring of butter that will no doubt circle my lips like bovine inspired lip gloss.
My homemade Sangaria is waiting in the fridge and I think it is 5 o'clock so it is time for an adult beverage and a look about the kitch. Until my next meal...

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