Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pierogis and Kielbasas, Oh MY!

What's a small Hoosier family to do when the temperatures are unbearable and the humidity is so high you lose a layer of skin every time you get up? Go eat heavy Eastern European food!!
What's better than to drive into the Whiting, Indiana metro area for the world famous Pierogi Fest?? Nothing this side of Warsaw!
Most people are enjoying cucumber salads and cold tuna sandwiches, not the hardy folks like us! We headed out to the Pierogi fest, with fantasies that included halupkis, pierogis and the ever popular Kielbasas. We parked over at St. John the Baptist for a whopping $15, at least it was for a good cause, and made our way to the smells of the olde country.

The glorious aromas of sausage and cabbage cooking in the 100 degree summer heat was decadent. We walked the fest enjoying the humorous cut outs depicting the history of the pierogi and the Polish t-shirts-a real mix of pride and humor.

We settled on combo plates and pierogis from Nina's Fresh Pierogis It was difficult to choose one place because there are literally miles of vendors selling all sorts of Eastern European delights and even tacos for the cabbage shy folks in your group.

I opened my Styrofoam treasure box on the lawn at St. John the Baptist, my mouth watering the smell intoxicating and exclaimed a bit too loud, "That is the smallest Polish sausage I've ever seen!"

Well, the sausage was very good. It had a nice balance of spice with a good belt of garlic and the sauerkraut had a good flavor with a bit of caramelization. I ordered kraut and meat pierogis for my combo. I was very disappointed. There I was at Pierogi fest and my pierogis bite the big one. Unfortunately, I believe that either the little dumpling delights were left on the grill too long or they were allowed to stay in the warming tray too long because a couple of them were so hard on one side I couldn't eat them. The meat filling in the one I ate was very good as was the kraut filling. The dough surrounding the delish fillings was bad.

My poor dumpling loving heart was broken.

Then the rain and lightening hit. Raining us out. I scurried to the safety of my car, missing the much acclaimed parade. Today I will make my own pierogi and wait until next year for the parade. I do intend to attend again. The festival in general is fun and well, festive. I just hope they don't crisp my dumplings next year.

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